Sunday, August 5, 2012

How Great!?!?

Do you want to know how great MY GOD IS? 

I have been filing some paperwork away and could not find ONE document I knew had to be there.  I flipped through the pile many times, each one more slowly than the time before because, as I said, it HAD to be THERE.  No where else.  There was no need for it to be any where else.

The anxiety began to build...

Anyone who knows me, knows that calling me an "organized person" is a bit of an understatement.  Now don't misunderstand, I live in my home just as much as the next person... my home is not a museum... but there is a place for practically everything and even in the "piles of daily life" I can typically put my finger on what I'm looking for in a matter a minutes, if not seconds.  Yes, organized I am.

So, the anxiety builds... WHERE is THAT document?

A friend calls, interrupting my search.  She can tell I'm flustered.  I explain my predicament.  We chat for a few minutes about the next days plans, and she promises to grab her family and pray for swift finding of the very important, very lost document.

I walk into another room of my home and begin to go through another set of documents that should not yield successful results of discovering the lost document... the lost document does not belong in this pile.  Why would it be here?   But discovery occurred... and much praising His name began!  I called my friend back, not three minutes after we'd ended our previous conversation to share with her the news.  Rejoicing His name in numbers multiplies JOY.

This song erupted from my heart and flowed out of my lips. How Great - Chris Tomlin

How GREAT is our God?   Greater than even this simple reminder... that a lost document can be found.  In minutes.  Yes, He is THAT great.

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