Okay.... so I know it's only the first day. And I know that there are going to be days that I won't love it as much (if at all...). But today was a GOOD day.
It began with morning snuggles.... at 8am! In years past, when my kids attended a local school, morning snuggles were a privilege reserved only for snow days, sick days, and summer vacation days. But today - the FIRST day of (home)school - we had morning snuggle time. It didn't slip my consciousness that it was happening at the exact time the local school was beginning their day. I silently thanked God that I was able to spend some quality time WITH my children in the morning instead of rushing them out of their beds before they were ready to rise.... instead of rushing them out the door with barely a breakfast inside them because they weren't up long enough to even BE hungry yet.... instead of a heart (mine) breaking in two. Yes - that's right. This is the FIRST first day of school this mommy has NOT had a broken heart.
After our morning snuggles we took our traditional "first day of school" photos. Then I decided we should begin a tradition of the "first day of school breakfast". So we did - and I treated them out. Yumm! The kids toasted the beginning of their day with chocolate milk with their meal. Not a bad start to the day. I also was able to get the traditional "picture with their teacher" shot... only ONE of those this year! And then I capped it off with some "learning in action" shots.
*** (Disclaimer about the photos: for some reason my oldest child is in a stage where it is NOT at all "cool" to smile for any photo. This is the best I could get out of him. He will grow out of this, right?? RIGHT???)
**sigh** from one contented Momma.... AKA "Teacher". Have I mentioned that I LOVE that?!?

Okay.... so I know it's only the first day. And I know that there are going to be days that I won't love it as much (if at all...). But today was a GOOD day.
It began with morning snuggles.... at 8am! In years past, when my kids attended a local school, morning snuggles were a privilege reserved only for snow days, sick days, and summer vacation days. But today - the FIRST day of (home)school - we had morning snuggle time. It didn't slip my consciousness that it was happening at the exact time the local school was beginning their day. I silently thanked God that I was able to spend some quality time WITH my children in the morning instead of rushing them out of their beds before they were ready to rise.... instead of rushing them out the door with barely a breakfast inside them because they weren't up long enough to even BE hungry yet.... instead of a heart (mine) breaking in two. Yes - that's right. This is the FIRST first day of school this mommy has NOT had a broken heart.
After our morning snuggles we took our traditional "first day of school" photos. Then I decided we should begin a tradition of the "first day of school breakfast". So we did - and I treated them out. Yumm! The kids toasted the beginning of their day with chocolate milk with their meal. Not a bad start to the day. I also was able to get the traditional "picture with their teacher" shot... only ONE of those this year! And then I capped it off with some "learning in action" shots.
*** (Disclaimer about the photos: for some reason my oldest child is in a stage where it is NOT at all "cool" to smile for any photo. This is the best I could get out of him. He will grow out of this, right?? RIGHT???)
**sigh** from one contented Momma.... AKA "Teacher". Have I mentioned that I LOVE that?!?
I LOVE this Stephanie! Especially the morning cuddles. What a wonderful gift. :) Rock on homeschool mommy.