Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What's The Word?

Funny story... My kids earn "tokens" at their school for going above and beyond expectations in behavior, attitude, and helping others. Today Evie was able to visit the "Rocket Shop" to redeem her tokens. She chose a dictionary.
She really didn't know what it was - she thought it was a reading book. Every book excites her these days because she FINALLY knows how to read. I'm talking "uber" excited - the "Momma, I-will-risk-interrupting-you-even-though-I-know-I-shouldn't-so-I-can-read-you-the-new-word-I-learned-today" excited.  Confession:  Momma's pretty excited, too!  So when I explained to her what a dictionary was used for (check spelling, definitions, etc) she wanted to look up a word. So she chose the word "television".
I show her how the dictionary is set up (conveniently, in alphabetical order) and we get to the "T" section. T... E... Telegraph... Telescope... Tell. WHAT?!?! NO "TELEVISION"! I pray the lesson wasn't lost on her. (And what a horrible dictionary)! 
Look out, home school... here I come!!!


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere!!! I love your Rock, paper, scissors & glue explantation on your profile. And I like this story about Evie and the lame dictionary. :)

  2. very cool! Much better than facebook ;-)

  3. Excited to read about your adventures!
