Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Queen of the "Last Minute"

I am becoming the Queen of the last minute projects.  This is not ever how I've approached anything in life... but lately, it's just the way things seem to flow.   I hope I grow out of it.  And soon.  It truly shows a lack of planning and preparing, which has not ever been my character, and nor do I want it to be.  But in my lack of planning, God blessed my night anyway.  Isn't He great???  (Amen!)

My church's children's ministry's Wednesday night program features a theme night once per month.  And tonight's the night.   It's been marked on my calendar for literally months.  (You know... because of the preparing and planning trait I try to implement??  Yeah...  it requires follow through of actually LOOKING at the calendar I plan things on.  But I digress).   Guess when I noticed it.  At 4:15 pm, after spending an entire day away from home (on a field trip - so the time away was worthwhile) and I'm prepping dinner to leave the house at 6pm.  YIKES! 

The theme tonight is "Holiday Night" - and I took the easy-way-out suggestion and pulled out Santa hats (perfect for a Christian holiday, no???)  and the CHRISTmas sweaters.   My kids looked at me like I had perfectly lost my mind.  Were we not wearing shorts, devouring fudge bars,  and playing with the hose in 80 degree weather just yesterday???   "Um, I don't prefer that idea, Mommy" - to quote one of my polite children verbatim.   The other child...  (air-i-ly)  "Mommy, I want to be a ballerina" as she twirls and whirls so elegantly around me.  Hmm.... ballerina.... holiday.... NUTCRACKER BALLET!   PERFECT!!!    Have I ever mentioned that "I'm not just another pretty face" lately??    Hold on... I'll prove it further.

So Polite Child desires to be something other than a sweater.  Thinking cap... tired Momma... oh, so very tired... this is hurting my head....  LIGHT BULB!!   Empty box, wrapping paper, packing tape, scissors.  

He's a Christmas Gift!   (I told you I was genius!) 

Cut the holes for the head and arms.  Then wrap packing tape around the edges so no scratching occurs.  Comfort is a very important factor in a gift.

Wrap the gift.  When opening the holes I cut a "pie" shape with a knife and folded the ends in.
Then I re-wrapped the edges with more packing tape so it didn't tear so easily. 

VOILA!  (I think I'll keep this gift)!!! 
Happy crafting!! 
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