Thursday, May 10, 2012

Recipe Review

Funny story - I wanted a Kindle for Christmas.  I ended up talking myself (not truly as difficult as it sounds) into a Kindle Fire.  I LOVE it.  I use it all the time.  I love reading and thought I would hate having an electronic device as a "book" - but the practical side of me won out.  I find so many books for FREE and the realization that I couldn't supply enough shelves to house them all won me over.  So, while I still purchase a paper book on occasion, and check them out of the library as well (which you can also do on your Kindle!), I have quite the collection of books "shelved" inside my kindle. 

First a couple of pictures of the kids giving me my Christmas gift.  This story still makes me laugh.  You don't see Owen because he's on camera duty.  But I still "hear" him in my mind instructing his sister on how this all should play out. 

For reference, Amazon has a different free book every day.  Just search "free Kindle book" on Amazon's website and the options will appear.   I have also found three websites which offers FREE and nearly-free books each day.  Pixel of Ink - which offers a mix of genres for your reading pleasure. Pixel of Ink - Young Edition - which is the sister site and offers childrens and young adult reading.  And my latest favorite - Dining Downloads - which is full of... you guessed it - recipe books!   SCORE!

I have a thing for "new" recipes.  I love to try something new and I enjoy cooking / baking.  My waning desire to cook these days has brought me to trying something new, often, to keep my desire up and my skills honed.  I am also trying to stretch my kids' palate beyond the typical chicken and potatoes meal, which brings me to a new post, and something I hope to feature once a week.  So once a week I will be trying and testing a new (to us) recipe and then reviewing it.  I will tag them all under "Recipe Review" so they're easier for you (and for me) to find again in the future.  I have also "pinned" a bunch of recipes (among other things) on Pinterest and will be commenting about the reality of those projects.  Look for those posts tagged under "Been There, Pinned That" - coming soon to a blog near you. 

Now, for the first recipe....

Kindle Recipe Book:  More Than Hummus by Katherine Cumming
Recipe:  Sun Dried Tomato Hummus (No Tahini)

1 1lb can garbanzo beans, drained
1 c sun dried tomatoes (in olive oil), drained
1/2 c water
1/8 c olive oil
4 cloves garlic
4 Tbl lemon juice
pinch of salt, to taste

Garnish: smoked paprika

Blend all ingredients in blender or food processor until smooth.  Garnish with paprika. 

The recipe needed quite a bit more water to produce the creamy, smooth texture of hummus.  I'm not sure it affected the taste too much, however.  It did not taste watered-down, and if you like tomatoes, this is the hummus for you!  The tomato flavor was full and rich!  Disclaimer:  it could have used more garlic.  I like garlic, and the taste is hidden behind the tomatoes.  All in all, this is a snack I keep going back for each night. 

Kid Review:
O: Can I have some goldfish instead, please?
E:  Do we have any regular chips and dip? 
Hmmm.... guess I won't be trying any Middle Eastern recipes anytime soon.  ;-)

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1 comment:

  1. Once again, loved the post. Boy, you sure make me want that Kindle. I did see that you can get a free Kindle download daily. Since I don't have a Kindle (Yet ;} ) I have a Kindle app for my PC, just because some of these free books are so interesting.
    The recipe looks really good. I love the pita chips. I always three or four bags when Costco puts them on sale. Yum!
    Thanks again for another great read...
