Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Evie - Credible

Evie is "star of the week" at school.  Among filling out a special poster with several of her favorite things and bringing in something special for show-and-tell, one of her "special" assignments is to describe what kind of super powers she would have if she were a super hero.  She's been pondering it for days.  Well over a week now, for sure.  And I can't blame her - with something as important as choosing your very own powers, one must be selective. 

She finally told me today. 

"Mommy - if I were a super hero my special super powers would be to be able to see every time when bad guys are stealing money.  I would see them stealing the money and know where they are and I would call the police and tell them so they could arrest the bad guys and put them in jail.  And then we could give the money to the poor people because they need the money.  And then there would be no more poor people in the world.  Except the bad guys in jail because they would not have money in jail.  And the worst thing would be their food.  They would eat waffles every day.  And not good waffles.  Soggy waffles.  Because soggy waffles are the worst."  

I just love her exuberance and her loving, generous spirit.

And I agree. Soggy waffles ARE the absolute worst.

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1 comment:

  1. Love it. I can imagine a judge adding at the end of a sentencing, "In addition, you shall have nothing but soggy waffles. Every day.". Genius.
