Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Eight is Great

Eight is great - eight is fine - the only thing grander - would be to be nine!

Okay, so Owen didn't really say that, but he is already thinking he should be nine.  Why do children rush growing up so much?  Why did I?  I did wish it, but cannot answer it... but I often find my mother falling out of my mouth when I hear myself say things such as "Don't wish your life away..."

I have discovered that I am now in a group of parents who cannot fathom where time has gone.  I fully realize that I am not alone in wondering where time passes - wondering where it goes.  It is not a feeling that I solely appreciate.  Parents all over the world have this unique feeling dedicated to parenthood.  Days are long... but years are short.  Really short. 

So Owen turned eight on Saturday - and a Star Wars party with a few close friends was the wish to be granted.    There was thematic named food (Yoda Soda, Hans Rolos, Skywalker Sausages, Maul's Mess, Jar Jar Cakes, Wookie Cookies, Boba Fruit, etc).    A super-galactic light saber battle ensued on the front lawn; dads and kids alike.  Even a married couple had some fun getting some frustration out... this could be a good marital tool, no?  Thanks to my new love of Pinterest (aka: biggest-time-waster-since-Facebook) I came across this blog and was able to make 18 light sabers  to send home with all our fellow Jedi-loving friends (with some leftover for us).  Mine were not as detailed as hers were, but it wasn't necessary.  The kids knew exactly what they were upon first glance.  I regretted even doing these for a few moments.  I began their construction at 11 at night the very night before the celebration - first mistake.  I grumbled all the way upstairs at 1230am the next morning.  But upon hearing my birthday boy's exclamation "THANK YOU, MOMMY FOR MAKING LIGHT SABERS!" my fatigue became worth it.  To quote a Jedi-in-training, "Best. Party. EVER!"    Simply because of a pool noodle and some tape. (And some unseasonably warm spring weather).

I agree.  Best. Ever.


  1. Excellent post again, Stephanie. Thanks again for a great read. Keep up the great work!

  2. I agree...this party was gr8!!! my husband and son still hit me with the Sabers! you are sooooo creative friend!! thanks for letting us share in Owen's special day!

  3. Smiles, all smiles after reading this! A great celebration for young Jedi (big, small & married!)
